Friday, April 10, 2009

Dandelions .... Mick says it all

I've had a snatch of a song running round my head all day

"Dandelion don't tell no lies, Dandelion will make you wise"

Must have been the sight of all the dandelions that have popped up in the lawn - just as I described in my blog of a few weeks ago about this plant we gardeners love to hate.

But isn't it infuriating when you've got a bit of a song in your head, and you can't remember any more or what the song is or who recorded it.

I felt pretty stupid when I realised it was a Rolling Stones track from 1967 - and I was a big Stones fan.

I said in my blog that the dandelion reminded me of happy times as a child blowing the seed heads to find out if "she loves me, she loves me not". But others commented that they only connected this with the daisy and not to blowing the dandelion clock.

Well now we have it on no less an authority than Mick Jagger and Keith Richard that blowing the dandelion can answer no end of questions including the happiness of the one you love.

The Rolling Stones

Prince or pauper, beggar man or king,
Play the game with ev'ry flow'r you bring.
Dandelion don't tell no lies.
Dandelion will make you wise.
Tell me if she laughs or cries.
(Blow away dandelion.)

One o'clock, two o'clock,
Three o'clock, four o'clock, (five).
Dandelions don't care about the (time).
(Dandelion) don't tell no lies.
(Dandelion) will make you wise.
Tell me if she laughs or cries.
(Blow away dandelion.)
Blow away dandelion.

Though you're older now it's just the same.
You can play this dandelion game.
When you're finished with your childlike prayers,
Well, you know you should wear it.

Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailors' (lives).
Rich man, poor man, beautiful daughters, (wives).
(Dandelion) don't tell no lies.
(Dandelion) will make you wise.
(Tell me if she laughs or cries.)
(Blow away dandelion.)
Blow away dandelion.

Little girls, and boys come out to (play), yes.
Bring your dandelions to blow away.
(Dandelion) don't tell no lies.
(Dandelion) will make you wise.
(Tell me if she laughs or cries.)
(Blow away dandelion.)
Blow away dandelion.
Blow away.
Blow away.

And if you want to hear it ..... there doesn't actually seem to be a video of the Stones performing this, but this is the track


BT said...

Crikey, the Stones were a bit rough vocally then, weren't they? I still maintain it's a clock though.

Rachel Green said...

Very interesting. I was never a Stones fan, I'm afraid.

DK said...

Cor, fascinating!
Just goes to show these things are like dialects; depends where you come from :-)
Hope to come and see you both soon as the building work's completed.

btw I love the picture of you atop your blog!

Twisted willow said...

I don't think the Stones were ever famed for their tight harmonies, BT!

I was a big fan at that time, Leatherdykeuk, but don't think I'd spend £100, or whatever it costs now, to see them.

The picture was taken on that walk we did to the Sanctuary on the Burren, but on a rather better day tham we had. Look forward to seeing you again.

Jinksy said...

I was never a Stones fan, but these words are great - thanks for bringing them to my attention.

Jason said...

Very good. Takes a a lot of drugs to make that noise. I quite liked it.

This has some good video coverage;